Who I Am

Hi I'm Marco and I'm a class '84, born and raised in Vigevano (PV)

The site was born in November 2021 from a great passion I had as a child, video games, which at the time were not yet called retrogames

I was lucky enough to have in my hands the most iconic consoles of the years of my childhood and adolescence: Game Boy, Nintendo, Playstation, Sega Mega Drive, Gamecube and see with envy friends who had Game Gear, Super Nintendo, Sega Saturn but also trying them at least once

I have a passion for Final Fantasy, definitely my favorite saga, unfortunately I did not finish them all, but I spent many hours there

I also have a weak Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, The Legend Of Zelda and of course Super Mario as well as for more "niche" titles such as God Hand, Tombi, Oddworld, Legacy Of Kain and many others that now I do not remember

This passion led me to do this second job (I'm a factory worker normally) but I hope this will sooner or later become my only job

I want this passion to be seen on my site and I hope you find pieces of childhood and adolescence as it happens to me when I happen to pick up the used and turn the markets

I wish you a good ride, short or long that is inside my little retroludic world

Have a nice game